Islamic classes for kids

Our Course Features

In the formative years of childhood, where hearts are curious and minds are eager, introducing the rich tapestry of Islamic studies becomes more than education; it becomes a profound journey of faith. At Little Scholars, we recognize the significance of these early years in shaping a child’s understanding of Islam.
Our online Islamic Studies course for kids isn’t just a curriculum; it’s a guiding light, igniting a passion for learning about the beauty and wisdom of Islam.

Why Little Scholars’ Islamic Studies for Kids Online Matters:

  1. Cultivating Strong Values: In a world filled with influences, our course is a sanctuary where children discover the timeless values of kindness, compassion, and respect embedded in Islamic teachings.
  2. Connecting with Quranic Stories: We bring the Quran to life through age- appropriate stories, nurturing a love for the holy book and imparting its lessons in a way that resonates with young hearts.
  3. Understanding Rituals with Joy: From prayer to the significance of Ramadan, we unravel the beauty of Islamic rituals, making them accessible and meaningful for young learners.
  4. Building a Sense of Identity: Our course fosters a deep connection to Islamic culture and traditions, helping children develop a strong sense of identity and belonging.
  5. Interactive Learning: Through engaging activities, discussions, and interactive sessions, we create an environment where children actively participate in their learning, making the experience joyful and memorable.

Course Goals and Objectives:

Our Online Islamic Studies for Kids course has clear and attainable objectives to ensure that children gain a comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings and values by the end of the program. These include:

  1. Foundational Knowledge: Children will acquire a strong foundation in essential Islamic concepts, including the Five Pillars of Islam, Prophets and their stories, and Islamic history.
  2. Quranic Understanding: We aim for children to develop a basic understanding of the Quran, learning about its significance, the stories it contains, and its role in Islamic life.
  3. Practical Application: Children will understand and appreciate Islamic rituals and practices, including prayer, fasting, and charity (Zakat), and will know how to incorporate them into their lives.
  4. Moral and Ethical Values: The course emphasizes the importance of values such as kindness, compassion, honesty, and respect, instilling these principles as part of the child’s character.
  5. Cultural Awareness: Children will learn about Islamic culture, traditions, and the diverse aspects of the Muslim world, fostering cultural appreciation and understanding.
  6. Interactive Learning: Through engaging activities, discussions, and storytelling, children will actively participate in their learning, making the experience joyful and memorable.
  7. Strong Sense of Identity: The course aims to help children build a sense of identity as Muslims, fostering a sense of belonging to a global community.
  8. Islamic History: An exploration of significant historical events, important Islamic figures, and the cultural contributions of the Muslim world.

Course Content:

Module 1: Introduction to Islam

  • Understanding the Oneness of Allah (Tawheed).
  • The Five Pillars of Islam: Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.
  • Basic Islamic terminology and greetings.

Module 2: Quranic Studies and Stories

  • Quranic stories of Prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and others.
  • Lessons and morals derived from Quranic narratives.
  • Introduction to selected Quranic verses and their meanings.

Module 3: Islamic Practices

  • The importance of prayer (Salat), its rituals, and significance.
  • Fasting during Ramadan (Sawm) and its spiritual lessons.
  • The concept of charity (Zakat) and its role in community welfare.

Module 4: Moral and Ethical Values

  • Exploring core Islamic values: kindness, honesty, respect, and compassion.
  • Understanding the importance of integrity and good character in Islam.

Module 5: Cultural Awareness

  • Introduction to Islamic art, calligraphy, and architecture.
  • Celebrating Islamic holidays and traditions.
  • Diverse cultural aspects of the Muslim world.

Module 6: Islamic History

  • Key events in Islamic history, including the life of Prophet Muhammad.
  • Spread of Islam and its impact on different regions.
  • Contributions of the Muslim world to science, mathematics, and the arts.

Interactive Learning Activities:

  • Engaging discussions on the significance of Islamic practices.
  • Storytelling sessions to connect with Quranic narratives.
  • Creative projects and crafts related to cultural and historical aspects.
  • Role-playing to understand moral and ethical values in practical scenarios.

Assessment and Feedback:

  • Regular quizzes to reinforce learning.
  • Interactive assessments to gauge understanding.
  • Individual and group projects to encourage creativity.

Final Project:

  • Students will have the opportunity to work on a final project that integrates various aspects of their learning, showcasing their understanding of a specific Islamic topic.

This comprehensive course covers not only the fundamental aspects of Islam but also delves into the rich tapestry of Quranic studies, ethical values, cultural appreciation, and Islamic history. Through interactive and engaging content, children will not just learn about Islam but will actively participate in their own journey of faith and understanding.

Our instructors:

  • Trained in Islamic studies and education.
  • Proficient in Arabic and Quranic studies.
  • Skilled in child-centric teaching methods.
  • Experienced in fostering a positive and engaging learning environment.
  • Committed to nurturing young hearts and minds.

Our teaching methodology is child-centric and interactive:

  • Storytelling to make lessons engaging and memorable.
  • Interactive discussions and group activities.
  • Creative projects to reinforce learning.
  • Role-playing to understand moral and ethical values.
  • Visual materials for an engaging visual experience.
  • Regular quizzes and assessments to track progress.
  • Individual and group projects to foster creativity and teamwork.
  • Safe and supportive online classrooms.
  • Individualized feedback and open communication for a positive learning experience.

We provide child-friendly resources:

  • Age-appropriate books and materials.
  • Engaging multimedia presentations.
  • Visual aids for visual learners.
  • Creative and hands-on activities.
  • Interactive online tools.
  • Quranic stories and narratives.
  • Safe and supervised virtual classrooms.

We encourage parental involvement:

  • Regular communication with parents.
  • Progress reports and feedback.
  • Parent-teacher conferences.
  • Family engagement in learning activities.
  • Creating a supportive learning environment at home.
  • Strengthening the parent-child connection to reinforce learning.

Upon successful completion of the course, children will receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate acknowledges their dedication to learning and understanding Islamic studies, values, and culture, marking a significant milestone in their educational journey.

In conclusion,

Our Online Islamic Studies for Kids is a dynamic and engaging course that strives to provide young learners with a solid foundation in Islamic studies, a deep appreciation for Islamic values, and a strong sense of cultural and historical awareness. Our child-friendly resources, experienced instructors, and interactive teaching methodology foster an environment where children actively participate in their learning. As young hearts embark on this educational journey, they are not only gaining knowledge but also nurturing their characters and embracing the essence of Islamic values. Join us in this enriching experience, where children grow into informed and compassionate individuals with a profound understanding of Islam.